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电话: 13923280074
姓名: 梁小姐
Foshan Honly Outdoor Furniture Company
HLWL139Sunlounger 价格:1650元/set
HLWL139Sunlounger 价格:1650元/set

  As an experienced rattan outdoor furniture manufacturer, all of our products are with the best quality and competitive price, earning high reputation from our customers around the world.

主要产品/业务: 本公司主营户外家具,以铝藤产品。特斯林椅子为主。 希望广大商家前来采购

Foshan Honly Outdoor Furniture Company / 广东 / 5F Buiding C, GuangDong Industrial Design Square Park, No.1 Indu () / 电话:13923280074

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